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The fight against the fallout from last year’s dispute in Royal Mail continues. From what started off at the end of last year as the “BRISTOL 10” , we are now down to the “BRISTOL 3” .

Due only to the pressure that has been applied in the Bristol area and at Headquarters level, Royal Mail the employer has now made offers to Colin Tucker and Paula Franklin that have been accepted in principle subject to reinstatement at reasonable work locations. This was announced by Dave Ward at the March and Rally on 4th August that was attended by our Branch.

At the present time Royal Mail are still saying that the reinstatement will be at a delivery office that will involve a sixty mile daily round trip for Paula and Colin. This is unacceptable.

The CWU will continue to fight and also ensure that Kay Gibbs is reinstated into her original job at SEDO.

Kay has done nothing wrong yet senior managers continue to ignore the facts of the case and back the manager who made the original allegations.

The heavy handed stance that Royal Mail has taken in relation to Kay is not consistent with that used in the rest of the Country. If the business is totally serious when it talks about standards of behaviour then this must apply equally to managers.

Kay Gibbs, Paula Franklin & Colin Tucker


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