Bournemouth & Dorset Amal Branch  -

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Joining the CWU is simple...

If you are a worker in the Communications Industry, click below to join online.


Just send an email to    m e m b e r s h i p @ u n i o n c w u . o r g  or give us a call on 01425 638590 if you have any questions or difficulties.

How much will it cost me to join?

The CWU charge no joining fee, just a weekly membership fee. The standard weekly rates are as follows:

Working over 30 hrs £3.56
Working over 25 hrs £2.55
Working over 20 hrs £2.22
Working over 15 hrs £1.87
Working over 10 hrs £1.54
Working under 10 hrs £1.20
The following are available on a monthly basis only...
Retired Members £5.76 per month
Retired Associate Members £4.49 per month

 Go on...Join today and be protected by the CWU!

©1997-2017 CWU UK - Communication Workers Union (UK) Bournemouth & Dorset Amal